
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

28 November 2003


OK, no more eating biscuits for breakfast. I don't really feel like lunch today.

Music: Still Radio 2.


Biscuits and Dreaming 

I have started looking into the possibility of having even more vivid dreams after enjoying an evening of biscuit dunking. Or I may just be looking for an excuse to eat some more biscuits. Take a look at The Biscuit Appreciation Society if you want to know more.

Music: Whatever they're playing on BBC Radio 2.


27 November 2003

Who Knew? 

Who would have thought I'd choose the BLOG form to share my dreams with the world? Hmm. These are real dreams, btw, those I have when I'm fast asleep. Really weird ones, according to some of my friends.

Music: Nothing, strangely enough.


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