
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

29 March 2005

Sue Me for Negligence! 

Easter came and went and I did nothing to satisfy your blog-hungry hearts!

Like Cato posted in a comment earlier, I went to see three films on Saturday, and they were all above average, so I was very happy. The first one I saw was Så som i himmelen, or As (it is) in Heaven, which is the English translation, the Swedish Academy Award nominee. It was fabulous and I gave it a nine on IMDb. I also gave a nine to the next film I saw that day, Vera Drake. I have to get this off my chest: I watched Million Dollar Baby last week and when I compared the two I think Imelda Staunton should have got the Oscar, not Hilary Swank. Also, I just don't understand how The Aviator was nominated for an Oscar and Vera Drake wasn't. Anyway, water under the bridge and all that. After all, considering how the Academy Award rules are, it shouldn't be a big surprise that not always the right person or film gets the award, or - in this case - the nomination.

The third film I saw was the Hungarian "thriller" (weird drama, more like) Kontroll. Not as good as the two others, but worth the ticket (which at the moment costs £7 in Oslo).

Current track: Nothing, believe it or not.


16 March 2005

The Quest for Scandinavia - Part Two 

I have been told off by several people lately for not having updated this blog. Well, tough.

A friend of mine, after having seen the (now) infamous episode of Jack and Bobby where they talk about Finland and other Scandinavian countries, looked it up on the 'Net and discovered that the North American tourist boards for the five Nordic countries have gone together and created a website called GoScandinavia - no wonder the Americans are confused. This really annoys me. It annoyed my friend as well, who sent them a message asking them for their reason to do this. Well, their answer was somewhere in the region of "since Iceland and Finland have started promoting themselves as Scandinavian countries, we decided to go together and call us GoScandinavia". In Eddie Izzard's immor(t)al words: Oh. For. Fuck's. Sake.

Yesterday I had to accompany the boss whilst interviewing a couple of job applicants. Quite interesting (and a bit scary, at first) to be on the other side of the table. Once I remembered they were there to sell themselves and probably were much more nervous than I was, the interviews started going well. Of course, afterwards I realised that my less-than-confident boss relied on me to give an insightful review of the candidates in order for him to make any decision whatsoever. Sheesh.

Current track: Sigvart Dagsland & Karoline Krüger - Ka e du redd for (I really hate that song)

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07 March 2005

"It's my first time I've 'ad salad" 

I actually had tears in my eyes while watching Jamie's School Dinners last week, where famous cook Jamie Oliver tries to do something about England's school dinners ('cause the councils obviously can't be arsed to). It's really devastating to see what they're feeding their kids. The general ignorance among the parents doesn't help, either. The children are being fed junk food all through childhood and it clearly affects their health. Jamie's proven that it is possible to make healthy food on a tight budget - and we're talking a very tight budget here; less than 45p per helping.

So when little whatshisface proudly states that Jamie's salad is the first salad he's ever eaten, I'm thinking what the f**k happened to normal, healthy food. We didn't have junk food when I was growing up; sure, we had sweets but hardly any TV dinners and such and the fast food chains didn't arrive here until what was it? Less than twenty years ago? So I'm used to home cooked meals (and yes, my mother worked full time) to a much larger degree than what my generation is feeding its kids. You can't really blame the parents for both having to work all the time, now can you? So what's left? Ignorance, obviously. Because when parents are told that their children's sugar level makes them go bonkers and that the amount of reconstituted food they're given makes them ill, they do in many cases widen their eyes and start thinking maybe that junk food wasn't such a good idea after all.

And if it turns out that all it does come down to is not enough time on the parents' hands, well, then shame on them.

Current track: Nothing.

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05 March 2005

We Are Sending Four Pudgy, Middle-aged Glam Rockers to Kiev! 

This may not seem to be such a bad idea to you...and I agree! Although probably for a completely different reason from yours. Our national Eurosong finals finished an hour ago and I have to admit I think we're going to rock the European finals in Kiev this year. It's been ten years since we last won and twenty years since our first win, so statistically we're supposed to win this year. We had to pick a winner, though, and I...well, I changed views midway through. I thought I had a sure winner, but it was also the most typical Eurosong tune; Jorun Erdal singing I am Rock'n'Roll - she's a wonderful singer and the song was very catchy. It got all my votes during the first round. But then something happened. I had sort of hoped she wouldn't get to the last round, because that would have made my choice so much easier. But of course there really was no competition, so she did get to the final round and that's when I changed my mind and voted for the aforementioned pudgy glam rockers instead: Wig Wam and their In My Dreams. Well worth a listen! It's one of those hit or miss songs, though. And unfortunately our history shows that most of our contributions have been misses, some of them completely off the mark, even (we're the infamous nil points country). Let's hope it goes Wig Wam's way this year. Our national oil fund just reached the one trillion kroner mark this week, so we've got lots of money we need to spend on either "the best Olympics ever" or "the best Eurosong ever", and since we didn't get through with our last bid for the Olympics...you do the math (because I can't be bothered to explain it to you).

Wig Wam

My only comment about the much too short and boring Academy Awards ceremony last weekend is this: Thank god Leonardo DiCaprio didn't win!

Actually, I've got one more comment. The only non-boring point during the ceremony was when that woman won for best short film or whatever and she went up to the microphone and said that back in the UK, where she comes from, they'd say this was the dog's bollocks, and the Swedish commentator stated rather drily during the break that the only reason the producer didn't hit the five-second censorship button was that they wouldn't know what the hell she was talking about.

I have spent most of my day playing The Sims 2: University, and thanks to my awfully slow computer I have also managed to read through the last third of Stephen Fry's Making History, which was absolutely brilliant. I want to be Stephen Fry when I grow up.

Current track: Arlene Wilkes - This is Where You Got it From

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