
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

23 January 2004


This has nothing to do with Hawaii.

I was just thinking you should take a look at this game review. You see, there are bad games, and then there are games that are so amazingly worse than anything else in the gaming world that every copy should be incinerated. Apparently, this is one of those, and if you're weird or a financial analyst, you will buy this game as soon as possible (before people start following my advice up there), because it may become a true cult game (and I use the phrase "game" very loosely in this aspect) and worth lots of money in ten years' time. Read Gamespot's review of Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing here! And in case you were wondering; no, I did not find this review myself. It's already become the talk of the town among gamers.

Speaking of gamers; many gamers are currently teenaged boys with pimples and squeaky voices, yet on the 'Net they pretend to be really grown-up and "cool". Unfortunately, this falls through in most cases when they start participating in online forums. Apparently, the school system around the world is really bad, because most of them seem to be very dyslectic. It's a nightmare trying to make sense out of their posts. Some of them think typing in "mobile messaging language" is the best thing since sliced bread, and some of them look like they think like this but they're really just lousy at correct spelling. This phenomenon is obviously spreading throughout most communities; people just don't take writing seriously anymore. It's become the norm to make at least two spelling mistakes in every sentence, and if you dare say something, you're "no fun anymore" and a nitpicker or whatever. Our own language up here is being so influenced by English that Norwegians are starting to make elementary mistakes because they are confused about what is correct Norwegian grammar. Since one's language is a large part of one's heritage I think this is a wrong turn that will complicate a lot of things in the future. I love linguistics and am very aware of the fact that languages change all the time, but I don't want my own language to disappear into the English language. Then again, I'm probably not able to change this way of thinking in everyone else, so if this is a democracy still, I may have to conform to the majority's wishes. *sighs*

Current track: Something on telly.

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