
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

11 January 2004

Another Late Night 

Don't know why I'm still up. I've spent the last couple of hours surfing the net - Bob knows the Internet must be expanding and updating all the time - I've been online for seven years and still waste hours at a time looking for absolutely nothing. Of course, I eventually ended up looking at some pictures of Philip Quast - which always puts me in a good mood. :)

No post today, so I'm going through withdrawals. "Had to" order Spellforce: Order of the Dawn from Play just so that I know I'll get at least one parcel in the post next week. *rolls her eyes* Have played the demo and it's got great reviews, so I'm really looking forward to it.

So...Eddie Izzard was on Parky tonight (repeat) and I didn't watch! Fortunately they repeat the repeats so I'll be able to watch it later in the week. I was busy watching the 25th anniversary celebration of the Norwegian teenage shows transmitted every Saturday since 1979. Great fun! Lots of nice memories. Must tape it tomorrow, I think. Strange thing, memories.

Current track: Just listening to Jonathan Ross

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