
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

11 January 2004

Back to the Eighties 

There was a show about phenomena from the eighties tonight; hair styles, fashion, pop stars, sport idols etc. Brilliant! Nearly laughed my head off. Memories there as well. So I ended the evening by watching half an episode of Miami Vice. Why just half an episode? Because I suddenly realised how bad that show was. Hardly any of the actors did a good job. This was one of the best shows of the week when I was younger. Much younger. Before I knew how bad the acting and story were. Hmm.

I just have to promote Philip Quast again. After having spent an undisclosed amount of money on buying stuff featuring him all during the summer (long live eBay), I have accumulated a decent collection of his albums - meaning albums featuring him - and have now the possibility of listening to his magnificent voice whenever I want. Brilliant! (Am I repeating myself? Or has The Fast Show finally taken hold of my mind? I wonder...)

Was going to see a film tonight, at the local art house, but then I looked out of the window and thought "naah..." It has been snowing all day, apparently, so it's even worse now than when I broke my elbow. Oh joy! I will have to take the bus tomorrow. Silly, really, when work is only a 20-minute-walk away, in normal weather. I just can't risk another leap about the ice. It's scary enough just walking to the bus, considering I fell just outside my own house last time. :-)

Well, perhaps my downstairs neighbour has decided to go to bed "early" tonight (it's past midnight) so that the rest of us can get some sleep too. I can't hear anything right now, but I usually don't when I've got the computer turned on (the fan isn't exactly a quiet one, like I ordered) AND WinAmp is playing some music. Anyway, must log off and go to sleep. Hope you had a nice day! *waves*

Current track: Business (from the musical Paris)

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