
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

07 January 2004

Black Ice Equals Black Bum 

Yes, well, that's how it goes when you're in a hurry. I thought I was moving in a reasonable fashion on the ice, but suddenly I was lying there staring up at the dark sky. Hmph.

Nothing's broken, but my arm is locked in an 80 degrees angle and the doctor gave me some strong painkillers. Woo-hoo! On sick leave for the next two days. Back to the casualty on Friday. Biting my nails because the boss will go ape. Having a bad conscience because I could do some work from home so that the boss can make his deadline. I bet he's swearing at my co-workers right now. As if that helps.

Nice, elderly female neighbour helped me opening the door when I stood there with my arm in a sling, and the cabbie suggested he'd kick the arse of the janitor who's responsible for the ploughing. Mwahahahaaah!

Current track: Michael Andrews - Mad World


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