
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

14 January 2004

The Thing about Space Exploration 

Thanks to the exploration of space we have gained a whole lot of nifty electronical devices for personal use. One of these has now landed on my lap. Basically. I spent a great deal of money on this one, but finally I can toss six of my remote controls (well, at least put them away) and use just one, programmable remote. Yay! Being a lover of gadgetry, I immediately put to test all its features and already call myself an expert in its usage. :-)

Actually, the first sentence in this post was inspired by my watching Space Cowboys for the umpteenth time. I just think it's a great film. And after having seen Mystic River last month (that would be "last year"), I'm beginning to see what a fine director Clint Eastwood is.

On another note, my internet radio is up and running. Well, as long as I'm online and bothered to actually transmit something. So tune in whenever there's some activity (check the listings in the right hand panel); the only thing you need is a computer, an internet connection, WinAmp and some speakers connected to your soundcard. Have a nice day!

Current track: Absolute silence, but I'm considering putting some music on for going to sleep.

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