
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

08 February 2004

...is All Around 

So I went downtown to see the mystery premiére, but it was all sold out and I thought "well, I'm not going to waste an hour doing absolutely nothing but travelling," and went to one of the other cinemas to see what was on. Love Actually was showing at that exact time, so I bought a ticket and sat down with a big grin on my face, basically because I knew what was going to happen for the next two hours and ten minutes. It was as good as the first time I saw it, and thank Bob I had already seen it once, because someone sitting behind me kept telling his date what was going to happen next. Highly annoying, people like that. Another thing, and I'm trying not to sound snobbish here; people who just can't sit still and/or shut up during the dramatic scenes should probably just wait till the film is released on DVD, when they can fast forward through those scenes they so obviously don't understand anyway. *grr*

I think I'm attracting weird people. Lately, as I have used the Tube quite a lot, I have started noticing all the strange people onboard. Today I managed to share a seat with a really ugly man who apparently thought he was God's gift to women and just had to sit with his legs as far apart as he could. Then there was this nervous man who clung to his papers and kept making "ssst"-sounds. Last, but not least, the man opposite of me kept picking his nose and eating the contents when he thought no one could see him. Unfortunately for me, I have very good vision through the corner of my eye and saw the whole thing. When I tried to turn I just saw the same thing in the reflection in the window. Eww.

As I was watching Love Actually I started cringing. Why? Because I once again remembered the time I met Alan Rickman - I still think it's very embarrassing although I am pretty sure he forgot about the whole thing as soon as he turned around. I'm trying to say "oh, well" and actually mean it, but when it comes to meeting him I just can't. The other (more or less) stars that I have encountered I didn't have any problems talking to. Well, apart from when I just couldn't remember the name of Ibsen's most well-known plays as I was talking to Peter Gallagher and he started looking quite puzzled. And the encounter with Philip Quast was just a 100% embarrassing moment, so I try not to think about that one either. Or the time when Patti Lupone ran off with my pen (she later returned.) Then the meeting with the two Dames Judi Dench and Maggie Smith and my pen just wouldn't work very well. And then I told a bad joke to Michael Ball after which there was this big silence. OK, so most of my encounters have been quite embarrassing. I really should stop. :-)

Current track: Pet Shop Boys - It's a Sin

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