
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

24 February 2004

The Pain! The Agony! 

The downside of going to the theatre is that I get this immense kick out of it, it feels like I'm untouchable and that I have found my purpose in life. Unfortunately, when I come down from this high I become more depressed than ever and persuade myself that I'll never make it and that I may as well give up right now.

What brought this on? I just got back from seeing La cage aux folles at Oslo Nye Teater. It's great. It's wonderful. I feel as if I'm in love. I probably am. In love with the stage, once again - that part really annoys me. Either do something about that ache or forget about the whole thing. Don't just dabble somewhere in the middle. Anyway, the musical was fantastic, we laughed a lot and the actors and dancers were brilliant. Dennis Storhøi was extremely charming as the perfect drama queen and Anders Hatlo was great to watch as the club owner Pierre.

I'm not sure if we spotted any slip-ups. Must get back to you on that. I remember seeing Charly's Aunt about ten years ago; they spent 15 minutes going completely improv, with one of the actors laughing so much he spent most of those 15 minutes with his back facing the audience. We were all in tears by the end of the show.

Current track: None.

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