
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

05 February 2004

Possible New Record Coming up! 

Whose record, I hear you scream at your computer screen. Yes, my hearing is rather amazing.

Well, my record, of course. I just got back home after seeing Freaky Friday for the third time this week. I've still got two more days to watch it again, and that means I've got a golden opportunity to break my old record, which was watching Victor/Victoria three times in a week - although all those viewings were within 24 hours. Uhmm. So, anyway, I brought a friend along to watch Freaky Friday and apparently I'm not completely off track when I say it's a great laugh. We had a terrific time, scaring the others with our belly laughs.

One more day before the weekend lands. Yay! I'm planning on having an Austin Powers weekend, since I received the third film (the original; for some reason I've bought them in reverse order) in the post the other day. Yeah, baby!

Current track: Robyn - Show Me Love

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