
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

27 February 2004

Somebody Shoot Me! 

I bought another ticket today. I'm going to see the show again. First row. Silly sod that I am. I'm sure I'll be spat at or thrown toast at and it'll all be very embarrassing and I'll probably be thrown out for sniggering so much it can be heard via their microphones through the loudspeakers. Of course, I may just "go completely ape" and run up on stage and ruin the whole evening for everyone else and spend the rest of my evening in gaol and I'll be banned from any cultural event in the whole country for at least five years or until I'm deemed stable again by a psychiatrist.

I could of course lighten up and just have a terrific time.

Current track: Not sure, something off the Buddha Bar II CD

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