
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

21 March 2004

Artist or Mentally Ill? 

I have no idea how this slipped past me. I guess it has to be because I have to avoid any animal cruelty issues because I get physically ill from just hearing about them. Seriously. Anyway, the so-called artist Nathalia Edenmont is getting her photos of animals that she has killed "for art" shown in galleries around the world. I have never had much to say about modern art (paintings, photos, sculptures etc., not written material or music and the likes), but now I like it even less. Stop giving them all those grants until they start making something that benefits more than just a couple of deranged art critics, I say! The rest of us don't like it, you morons.

Here's a link to a fuller description of the case, and here's a link to PETA UK's focus on the case. Warning! By clicking the second link you will be brought straight to the photos in question and if you're "squeamish" about animal cruelty, like me, you'd do well to just stay away from that site, I'm afraid.

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