
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

20 March 2004

Love Actually is Here! 

Woo-hoo! I just got the DVD in the post. Can hardly wait! (Have to listen to the radio first, some drama I've been looking forward to.)

Bought all the original Ring films yesterday. Started watching the first film but was too scared to finish it. The sound effects were too frightening, so even though I recognise much of the story so far from the American version, I was even more scared than when I watched that one. Silly sod. I also bought Aliens vs Predator, presumably one of the scariest computer games ever, so I've got lots of chills and thrills to look forward to. Actually, I should probably wait till Easter, which is the best time of year for any fans of crime stories. :-)

I will probably change the look of this blog later this weekend. The changes are already underway, I just need to agree with myself on the new layout.

Current track: Drama on radio.

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