
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

07 March 2004

Lovely Birthday Celebration! 

I'm just too easy to please. I've had a great birthday, doing more or less nothing. I've done half of my dishes (it's a huge project, doing the dishes; I need at least one intermission), I had two phone calls from family and I may have some presents waiting for me in my postbox. Watched Riding in Cars with Boys for the third time. The only embarrassing thing happening today was the pilot episode of Coupling US. I mean, for Bob's sake, the original, British, BBC version is one of my favourite TV series, but nooo, that's not good enough for the Americans, is it? They have to make their own, more boring version. I know, I know, they've got the same writer and some of the same producers, but the actors didn't work out very well. Or at all. Now, about the American remake of The Office...

More highlights of the day: Anders Hatlo and Johannes Joner appeared on a quiz show, and then, very surprisingly and completely unannounced, Dennis Storhøi in a short interview about the new series. Woo-hoo and wa-hey the lads!!!

I'm off to watch Door to Door. Bill Macy and Helen Mirren and lots of awards mean this film is great. See ya!

Current track: Girls Aloud - Jump (For My Love)

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