
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

15 March 2004

Or Perhaps... 

...I should just maintain my Dutch instead. (See previous post.)

Had a bit of a discussion on ambidexterity at work today (the boss was absolutely horrid and we just needed to stay away from him and do something else.) It's a fascinating subject, at least for me who's ambidextrous. I believe I was left-handed when I was a child but forced to write with my right hand (I'm sure my parents wouldn't have done that today...of course, I am 26 now so I would be rather miffed if they did) and so I have developed a very strange and seemingly illogical way of choosing the hand with which to perform tasks. What an interesting sentence. Anyway. The funniest bit being, naturally, that I always shuffle a deck of cards with my right hand but deal with my left. It's near impossible to do the opposite or choose just one of the two. I have to open bottles and jars with my left hand even though my right hand is the strongest and there's no way I can slice bread with my left hand. I wear my watch on my right wrist but usually write with that hand, unless I'm tired, so using a quill would be out of the question. Then again, using quills is funnily enough rather unpopular nowadays. Hmm...

Current track: The entire Requiem for a Dream soundtrack

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