
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

29 March 2004

Soap Stars, Cannons and French Military Vessels 

That just about sums up my afternoon. Went for a walk along the harbour after work (desperately needed to wind down after boss' worsening mood) and got to see a lot of things. Among them, a huge French vessel filled with silly-looking sailors (well, their hats looked really silly, anyway), and the royal vessel Norge. The latter just lay there in the shadows and we didn't actually know that it was Norge until we spotted its name.

We then went up to the Fortress and had a look at the view of Oslo Harbour (which was great today; lots of sunbeams reflecting off the water) from next to the cannons. As we went past the City Hall we spotted a few vans from the production company of that soap opera I was talking about last week, so we sat down (as you do) and watched the filming. The scene must have been the shortest in soap history (and that says a lot! Although most soap opera scenes of course end with a prolonged zoom-in on one of the actors) - but it took them quite some time to get it right. We were basically sitting there just to have a look at how they were going about shooting a film, all the while cracking jokes about the two actors (let's just say we're not fans of the series and leave it at that), laughing our heads off.

So they were the celebs of the day, and my theory still stands - it's not possible to take a walk in downtown Oslo without bumping into a celebrity.

Current track: Sivert Høyem - Song for Cornelis

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