
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

02 May 2004

And About That EU Thing... 

I found this site to be rather offending. It clearly says in its description that it's for anyone living and/or born in any of the European nations, yet the list that follows (further down the site) is one containing the member countries of the EU (allowing itself quite a liberal amount of power when adding the non-member Romania to the list, I might add.) There IS a big difference between the EU and Europe. Get a grip. (Oh, and while I'm on a rant: Americans generally think of Europe (if they've even heard of Europe, some seem not to have) as consisting of Paris, Rome, London and sometimes Berlin. I start laughing when I hear a couple proudly stating they "went to Europe for a week" - there's no way you could possibly get around to all the countries in one week. And don't say "Europeans are like that / Europeans are like this / Europeans are more liberated" blah blah blah; we're not one person. All the different nationalities can be found in any of the medium-sized American cities. Would you say that everyone living in that city had the same vision/belief/political view/CUSTOMS???)

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