
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

17 May 2004

Happy Birthday, Norway! 

99 years today - not bad! And of course we all take off completely. Traditional clothing and Norwegian flags everywhere. I'm confident there are very few nations in the world that celebrate their independence day as extensively as we do. As for me, I'm quite content with just watching the parades on telly this year, listening to the hundreds of marching bands and thousands upon thousands of children singing. And crying for a bit every time I hear the national anthem. *sighs*

Hooray for getting rid of the Swedes back in 1905! Yay! *winks* (FYI, I actually like Sweden.) And the Danes in 1814! (I like Denmark too, even though I'm having trouble understanding some of their dialects.)

Current track: Gammel Jægermarsj (which will be played just about 423 times today)

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