
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

28 May 2004

Running in the Rain 

Why we didn't wait another five minutes, I don't know, but we got off the tube train downtown and went outside, where it was pouring kittens and mittens. We walked to the cinema (one of us couldn't run in her high heels...and it wasn't me) to pick up some tickets (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, June 16 - yes, it's late but bear in mind it opens just five days prior to that over here, for some twisted reason.) By the time we went out of there again it had stopped raining and we were soaked. Well, just about, because I actually dried up pretty soon, even my leather jacket showed no sign of having been rained on a few minutes later. Maybe it wasn't too bad after all. Anyway, after a bit of shopping (long weekend) we went to have some wine and mineral water (yep, I was the soda person today) in the sun. Had a terrific time being completely silly and making up worst-case scenarios for this and that ("what's the most embarrassing thing that could happen to you while watching a play from first row" was very much discussed and we came up with a lot of very ingenious and disgusting answers to that one), slagging other people's clothes (even though I myself looked like something that had been dragged behind a lorry transporting fresh manure), commenting on world events and basically relaxing after a...not very productive week at work, coming to think of it, but then again...we had fun. :-) Summer could have arrived, so we're enjoying every glimpse of the sun before wanting to hide indoors from all the heat. *rolls her eyes* Will we ever learn to enjoy the current weather instead of complaining all the time?

Saw a few more celebrities. One singer (Torhild Sivertsen) and then the Chief of Justice. Aww. Oh, and a few more actors from La Cage, but that was to be expected from where we were sitting, so once again; that doesn't count. Got home at 20:45, so had a very late dinner. At some point, a few years ago, I worked evenings and used to eat at around 23:00. Of course, I also got up at around noon (or even later), so my whole rhythm went askew. There's no way I could do that now. I'm thinking if I ever get a job where I'll be working evenings (I wish) I just have to get up at eight or nine in the morning or else I'll go mad. Well, perhaps not, but it would be annoying. I don't have to worry about that just yet, though. ;-) Have a great evening!

Current track: Last week's Jonathan Ross Radio 2 show

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