
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

01 May 2004


Congratulations to the ten new members of the European Union! I used to be extremely pro-EU, this was ten years ago when Norway last had a public vote about the European Union, but now I'm not so sure anymore. Seems like the EU would love to have our money but don't give a toss about us. That annoys me quite a lot (two-faced people usually do) so I've decided that as long as we're a member of the EEC we're better off on our own.

I tried to watch Death to Smoochy just now, but after an hour I still didn't like it enough to watch the rest. I mean, both Robin Williams, Harvey Fierstein and Edward Norton are in it, but the film itself was below par. I did manage to watch both Trading Places and Freaky Friday today, though. I'm trying to refrain from putting my LotR: The Fellowship of the Ring DVD into the player, as I'm waiting for the release of LotR: The Return of the King so that I can watch all three films in one day. I have to, so that I could possibly get into the story for once.

Today's weather has been good; I sat outside for about an hour, reading. Looking forward to applying sun lotion in a few weeks' time. Somehow I don't think I would appreciate spring so much if I lived closer to the equator. I guess that means we... *gasps* ...need four to six months of winter in order to fully understand the beauty of the other seasons.

Current track: A comedy show on the radio

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