
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

19 June 2004

David Bowie 

I could of course mention that some idiot threw an item (a lighter?) at David Bowie last night, twenty minutes into the concert in the Frogner Park (which tourists call the Vigeland Park.) Luckily this apparently ignited (!) him instead of making him leave the stage, and people had another two brilliant hours of listening to this king of pop.

Naturally, I wasn't there. I became a David Bowie fan last year, so a bit of a latecomer, but I'd love to see him on stage some time in the future. However, I like his earlier, pre-80's work only, with a few exceptions. Just like I am an avid fan of The Beatles, but I mostly like their later work, starting with the Rubber Soul album (which is my favourite, actually, as opposed to Revolver, which seems to be everyone else's favourite.)

Current track: Maroon 5 - This Love (on the radio)

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