
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

21 June 2004

How about Those Dolphins? 

(Ten points to those who know from which film I've taken that quote.)

I feel bad. I've bought my first pair of Levi's ever. Then I bought another pair of Nike shoes. Have I become obsessed by brands all of a sudden, I ask myself, and the reply I get is this: "They actually DO last a lot longer." So I guess it's ok after all.

I wish the drivers of the tube trains would stop giving us vital information in the middle of a tunnel - people hardly understand what they're saying when the trains have stopped, let alone when they're in motion! I fart in their general direction.

Ooh, that reminds me. I've got this mental list of expressions (most of them derived from Monty Python) that I use frequently. I fart in their/your general direction is one of those. Others include I can't believe it's not butter! Tastes just like a dead crab! and Ya-dee-bucket-y, ram-dim-dooh, ni-ni-ni, aroo! and Now don't do it again! (one of the Roman soldiers said that in Life of Brian) and He has a wife, you know. Do you know what she's called? Incontinentia. Incontinentia Buttocks. and Well, aren't we a little teapot. (from In & Out) and Look at my hand! (also from In & Out) and Start again! (followed by an impersonation of a clown waving his hand - from an obscure episode of Flying Circus) and Oh, darn. (Tim Allen says that at one point in Galaxy Quest) and Play nicely! (Jason Isaacs in the second Harry Potter film) and lots of others.

I was considering asking for the huge sign for La Cage as I went past the theatre earlier today, but then I got a grip and realised it would have looked really silly (and big) hanging from my balcony, AND the board probably wouldn't approve of my putting it there anyway. Bugger.

Current track: Listening to Le Placard on telly. Can't say I understand much of it.

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