
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

01 June 2004

People Google for the Darndest Things! 

I've had quite a few hits from people searching for the strangest things. (That sentence wouldn't have made any sense ten years ago, btw.) If only they would learn to make use of the apostrophes around whole terms. *rolls her eyes* I just don't think all of them are looking for this particular blog, and I'd hate to be yet another dead end in their endless search for [insert whatever you want here].

I feel like going shoe-shopping. I just know that by tomorrow I won't feel this way at all. Not that it matters; I've got other plans, i.e. having a nice cup of cappuccino in the sun after work, in my newest favourite outdoor pub. (It'll stay that way for another two weeks, after that I'll be losing interest.) Norway's new smoking ban started today (or should I say "yesterday", since it's past midnight) and the smokers are furious. My prediction is they'll keep shouting like that for a few months, then calm down for a bit (realising the rest of us have stopped listening to their whining), then go back to shouting once winter appears on our doorstep; by next summer we'll all be used to it. I'm a "reformed smoker", I think the PC term is, meaning I understand very well how frustrating it must be to be thrown into the street just to have a cigarette when you're supposed to be out having fun. Still, I'm for the ban, as it makes it so much easier for those 70% of us who aren't smoking to go out and have some fun as well, without having to worry about second-hand smoke and all that that brings. Think of the waiters and bartenders. As per usual, people are thinking about themselves first and foremost, nagging about how incredibly unfair it is that they'll have to stay outdoors to smoke. Well, I have news for you; there are a lot of really unfair things happening in this world, and your complaint ends up far behind most of those. You might as well get used to the new ban, as it's most likely staying for the rest of our lives.

Current track: I've had this strange song in my head all afternoon.

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"Norway's new smoking ban started today"

Hmm .. Oslo will probably soon have a publicly financed "syringe room" for those who need to shoot H. If I were a smoker (I used to be an addicted puffer not too long ago :) ), I'd demand a downtown public smoker's room as well. There's gotta be some justice around! H but no fags?? Aug
I'm all for and all against the "syringe room" you're talking about. I'm glad I am so consistent. :-)
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