
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

11 June 2004

Singing in the Shower 

...isn't my thing, really. Basically because I'm extremely lousy at noticing the lyrics to any song. The music, however, I save and restore whenever possible (I'm always whistling or playing the air synth). This is not a good sign for any hopeful actor. So I'll just scrap that right now. I've got photographic memory (which doesn't exist, according to this article) but it only extends to memorising tons of film quotes (boy, have I got my mind filled with those), important dates (for instance, in music history or even in history in general), the names of supporting actors, that sort of thing and not text. I know just one poem by heart, and it consists of only four words. :-) I'm basically crap at memorising large chunks of text. However, I'm quite confident in my ability to ad lib. *laughs* It's one of the few things that I do well - making people laugh. I'm sure I've got a talent in there somewhere, I'd just like to know what it is and how to use it. *shrugs*

Current track: Diana Ross - I'm Coming Out (oh, the memories...)


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