
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

27 June 2004

Wonderful Sunday 

The film wasn't too bad, actually; quite predictable but sweet and very funny during the first half. As Andy Serkis entered the screen a couple of guys at the back started laughing, no doubt one of them had just whispered "My precious..." (Sorry, Andy, that line will stay with you for a long while.) We were about twenty people there, not bad for a matinée on a nice summer day. Anyway, the latter half of the film was a bit more predictable (although it had its laughs as well) and it was a typical Hollywood film, but I quite liked it. (Mr. Serkis was really funny and kind of saved the second half for me.)

Wanted to sit down for a cup of coffee but never seemed to find a spot that suited me (I'm so high maintenance, you see. Not.) After a walk down the main shopping street, looking at the people and enjoying the sun, I went back home instead. So now I'm sitting here waiting for my pizza to arrive. I see it's still in the oven. Got to love the 'Net.

Current track: Feeder - Come Back Around


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