
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

06 July 2004

Along Came Polly in the Thunderstorm 

Short thunderstorm started the second I walked out of the office and stopped the minute I got home, where two films awaited me; Along Came Polly and some Bruce Willis film. I watched the first one and I must say it was very embarrassing, slightly disgusting and quite fun. And I've come to the conclusion that it seems like Jennifer Aniston actually can act. So not just good looks, then, good for her (and us, the cinemagoers.) Of course, my favourite line from the film was uttered by Hank Azaria, this time as the French nudist Claude: "Reuben, look to me in my eyeball." I nearly laughed my arse off. Which would have been a great loss. ;-)

Current track: The humming from my computer.

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