
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

06 July 2004

Last Drop? 

This piece of news apparently is too much for the American and British governments and they have censored both CNN and BBC. I have only been able to find English articles about it that are very left-wing or awfully conservative, so the best I could do was to link to Der Spiegel (in German). Anyway. Once again American soldiers have allegedly abused Iraqi prisoners, this time children/teenagers (I really don't understand how right-wing supporters can defend this by saying "by Arab standards, 14-year-olds are not considered children" when American soldiers and the UN actually do. It's quite appalling.)

This may be the last drop, if it turns out to be true. This will divide Europe from the US for a very long time indeed. Seriously, it's quite clear that the American government is censoring their news services and we get a whole different view on things from over here. Oh yes, that's right, we're the cowards. I don't think going to war for all the wrong reasons is very admirable, but that doesn't mean I'm a communist Islam-loving pacifist only interested in cashing in on the welfare system for my large need for weed. Grow up.

I think it's very sad that such historically good friends as the Americans are ruining this friendship by keeping an egomaniacal twat in the Oval Office. Keeping him gagged would be a start in the right direction. It is embarrassing to us when he opens his big gob, I wonder how it feels for the Americans. At least don't re-elect him. You still have the chance to keep our friendship. I think it'll be very lonely for you otherwise, and even though you've got a whole continent to yourself there is a world outside of your borders. Really.

Current track: A very boring song on the radio.


But Bush will win... Kerry isn't even leading at the moment in spite of Iraq, and Bush will get more support, as the sitting president always gets in the end. Conservative Petitions is a fascinating place to study American conservatism:
"Homosexuality is a Gender Identity Disorder that has serious mental and health consequences for those engaging in this sexual behavior."
The link you provided led me to a very scary place indeed. Must make a completely new blog entry about that one.
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