
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

18 July 2004

Mainstream Magazines 

Watching a couple of TV commercials it suddenly hits me how incredibly dull the world can be sometimes. There was a commercial about this month's edition of some men's magazine, stating that they had photos of sexy girls. A few moments later, there's a commercial about some hair product in which a male model flips his hair around and grins (you're just waiting for his teeth to twinkle.) I'm sitting there thinking "I really don't find any of these people the least bit fascinating." Of course, that means I'm not mainstream. No new information there. I know the US has got (too) many magazines for all sorts of tastes. So, I'm looking for Flabby, Middle-Aged Men Monthly or Scar-faced Beauties! Magazine or even "People With a Certain Something" Fans Digest. Please give me a ring if you find any of these.

Current track: Morrissey - Why Don't You Find Out for Yourself?

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