
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

18 July 2004


I read Caution Uneven Surface earlier tonight and was inspired to do a post on pretension. I don't like it one bit. You know, people trying to pose as being intellectual and then turning out not to be. Or this notion that one has to love jazz and philosophers and nothing else in order to be an intellectual. Like these people are better than the rest of us; the only ones putting them up there are themselves. They're annoying. Look, I listen to techno and heavy metal and The Beatles. I read crime novels and watch a lot of TV. I like Austin Powers. Does that make me less intelligent or something? Well, then. I also listen to so-called classical music (you see, I do know "classical" is the wrong term, that what we call "classical" consists of several musical periods). I listen to Miles Davis. I read books about language, Asian history and religion because it interests me. I watch the Discovery Channel. I go to the theatre (uhmm...yes. Not just to see musicals.) I have read Livy, Cicero and Martial in their original form. See? Looks stupid when one goes all pretentious, doesn't it?

Excuse me, I'm going to bed. I have a very plain job to go to in the morning. I really hate my job.

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