
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

13 July 2004

Running of the Bulls 

Every year this terrible event takes place in Spain (popularly "Pamplona"); hundreds of bulls are set loose in the streets, chasing mad and cruel people for miles before ending their lives in a traditional bullfight. Which isn't much of a fight, really, more of a barbarically prolonged murder. Yes, this is my opinion. I think any person with the least bit sympathy for other living beings believe the same. Still, this isn't stopped. Tourists keep the tradition alive.

Every year I'm browsing the papers to see if anyone's been killed in the run. No one has been killed yet this time around, but a few people have been gravely injured. I have absolutely no sympathy for them. They have deserved it. Just like the people leaving their pets on the motorway these days just to get rid of them before going on holiday. Who are these people? They are all around us, they're our colleagues, neighbours, they're the man on the street. Unfortunately not the man lying in the street, being run over by hundreds of speeding cars.

I vote for lynching coming back into the judicial system.

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