
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

24 August 2004

Cars: My Pet Hate 

I live in a city where this nation's worst drivers gather every day in order to annoy everyone else with their driving. As a pedestrian without a driving license I have heard too many times that I'm not allowed to criticise drivers. Well, I'm going to ignore that a little longer. As a pedestrian, you see, my life is at stake every single day and I have a feeling I should be allowed to say something about that. First of all: There are rules and regulations. You're not God, so please follow them. You're not any better than everyone else at driving, so get over it. You'll have to obey the rules. The speed limit is there for a reason. Don't give me that stupid reason for your speeding: "Traffic has to run smoothly, so if everyone else is driving faster than the limit, so do I." If you're running that late, start earlier. I think that in the great battle between Being-On-Time-For-Work and Not-Killing-Anyone-Today the latter should win. Every time. Many of you seem to have got your license through a raffle. It's a privilege to be allowed to drive, not a right. Behave.

As for routine checks by the traffic police: You're not supposed to be sober when driving in case the police are out. How messed up are you if you instantly think like that? You're supposed to stay sober because you have a huge responsibility the second you sit down behind the steering wheel; a responsibility that extends to far beyond your car and yourself. This goes for braking just as you spot a speeding monitor and then speeding again as your drive past it as well, you moron. Behave.

Current track: Nothing.

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