
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

13 August 2004

A Couple of Animal Stories 

Six-year-old Irja had a fright when a thunderstorm was raging around the family at their boat trip. She took off and the owner thought he'd never see her again, as they were moored a very long way away from their hometown. But Irja knew how to get home - she took the ferry. She got off at the first stop and then got back on. The ferryman thought she was with someone (so she didn't have to pay). Eventually she found her way back home.

Then, yesterday, a moose calf broke into a grocery store at Hernes, Elverum (about two hours north of here). Unfortunately they'll probably find it dead somewhere, having bled to death, but for once I don't think I can find any humans on which to blame this. Well, unless you count the ones that built the store, then. ;-)

Current track: Nothing.


They have searched for the moose, but they couldn't find one.. My cousin sent me a textmessage yesterday, wondering if I've heared about the moose, and I had already read about it online, and watched it on the telly.. Even my uncle was caught on tape.. :D LOL.. He is the one who is looking at the glass to try to find out how this glass can be replaced(Most likely it is my dad who has to figure out how to make the new glass..).. LOL.. So things do happen in that little place, where I'm from, with about 1100 inhabitants.. :D
One moose calf breaking in (only one?) … if that’s the only one juvenile delinquent among 1100 inhabitants, that’s not half bad you know :-)
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