
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

13 August 2004

Here Endeth This Year's Heatwave 

After a couple of weeks of hot weather, of which these past four days were spent being near-adhesive in the office because my boss is too cheap to install air-condition and instead leaves the office when it becomes hot (the temperature has been around 32 degrees centrigades (that's 90 F) in the office), last night's thunderstorm fixed all that and has now left us with much more normal weather. Which of course ruins all my plans for tomorrow's clothing - I'm going to a wedding and have bought some new clothes but they're depending on hot weather. Blech. Why does everything have to be so difficult?

Current track: Glenmark/Eriksson/Strömstedt - Jag är en jävel på kärlek


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