
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

22 August 2004

Incestuous Couple Have Three Children 

This is unbelievable. A brother and sister somewhere in Germany meet for the first time and fall in love. This...I don't care too much about. OK, so it's a taboo and it's therefore yucky and I'd never even consider doing anything like this myself, but as long as everyone involved consents and no one or anything else is hurt in any way I'm pretty much for everyone to do as they please. I would, however, stress that bringing no less than three children, of which two are proven to have suffered brain damage, into this world because they're so f**ked up they can't even use a condom, is outrageous. What is more outrageous is that the government hasn't done anything about it. Sure, they've sent him away to prison for a while, but they haven't been kept from each other. Doing this clearly shows that they're not fit for taking care of neither a child nor themselves and society has some responsibility in this issue - let's keep them away from each other, shall we? Jeez...

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