
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

18 August 2004

Minister of Culture Goes Mad 

Obviously. Our Minister of Culture, better known as Mrs. Disliked-by-almost-everyone, has decided that Norway needs to focus more on making computer games. We've got a couple of companies making less than ten games a year (altogether), and they're already given grants by the government for making those games. Apparently she has realised that since the gaming industry earned more money than the film industry last year (here, anyway), there's an increasing demand for computer games among the consumers. And being a so-called "Christian Democrat" she wants to see wholesome, good, clean fun in the shelves, things that children can learn from. I quite agree with her that we need more titles like that, it's just that those titles seldom sell that much. :-( Anyway, Funcom, the company behind two international bestsellers called The Longest Journey (for which I'm looking for the original, Norwegian version, in case anyone has a copy they'd like to get rid of) and Anarchy Online, are going to release Dreamfall very soon and it's one of those action adventure games you get nowadays (whatever happened to the good, old Sierra On-line and Lucasarts games? Argh.) Lots of puzzles and good graphics. Hopefully another bestseller. That way we can make even better games.

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