
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

31 August 2004

I Hate Norwegian Duties 

Because they're trying to lock us in and keep us away from The Evil Outside (TM), our dear government hasn't changed the import duties law since the seventies. That means that I cannot import anything worth more than NOK 200, which is today at around £16. NOK 200 was quite a lot 30 years ago, but nowadays that gives me barely anything. Books are excempt from this law, but everything else isn't. If I choose to import anything on my own anyway, it'll have to be checked and processed by the customs for a week or two (!!!) and then I have to pay them about 40-50% of the total price (including postage, for some twisted reason) for duty tax and additional charges (for doing their job; I thought I already paid them through taxes). No wonder we're so filthy rich; half of what this country earns comes from duties and charges, it seems.

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