
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

12 September 2004

Left Out 

While planning my trip to London starting next week - I usually do this; suddenly realise I'm going away and frantically try to put the itinerary together - I came across this bit from Heathrow's duty-free shopping website:

The following destinations are often assumed to be EU members, but they are not:

Channel Islands
Canary Islands

Gee, I wonder why. Could it be because every other nation in Europe is a member? That said, I'm not too happy about the EU, so thus far I think we're better off on our own. You have no idea how many of their rules and regulations they put on us even though we're not a member; I dread to ponder upon what they'd do to us if we actually were. *shivers*

Current track: Nothing.

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I totally agree about the Euro. And shaun of the dead is a great movie my bros mate is in it.
Nice blog.
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