
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

24 September 2004

Meet Ivan Svensson! 

Here's Ivan at two years old (approximately). As you can see, he's not too fond of sleeping alone in the dark. He has changed, though, and this is what he looks like now, when he's off to his part-time job as a manager at the local fast food restaurant (notice that he's grown a beard, something he's very proud of finally being able to do):

I'm talking about The Sims 2, of course, which I finally got hold of...uhmm...well, "finally" as in "it was finally released", because I did buy it the day it was released, after all. In London, so I didn't get to play it until about one and a half days later. Have been playing it quite a lot since then and is often found cursing at my computer because the graphics are so rubbish due to my "old" graphics card being two years old (and strangely enough still considered to be among "the pricy cards" - don't ask me why). But hey, it's still a great game (buying a better computer would help, though, but that's not going to happen anytime soon) and I've gone very late to bed all week. Too bad I've got a couple of papers to do this weekend, because I'd like for Ivan to grow up and get married and have kids so I get to fully test that DNA thing they've implemented this time around.

By the way, I'm 95% sure I spotted David Bradley (plays Filch in the Harry Potter films, and the very nasty concierge in one of my favourite films - Left Luggage/Twee koffers vol) in the lobby at the NT on Saturday. It's probably not that interesting to you, until I remind you of my ongoing study of "my probability of spotting a celebrity whenever I go downtown" - and I'd definitely categorise the South Bank as "downtown", even though it isn't Oslo.

Current track: No Doubt - Just a Girl

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