
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

27 September 2004

Why Today, of All Days? 

My bastard neighbour (actually, I don't know if she's a bastard or not) has once again decided to do some DIY in her sitting room. She could have done it during the weekend, but no, she had to wait until today because I'm certain she's got a sixth sense about when I need my peace and quiet the most. I could, of course, have written my paper during the weekend when she wasn't doing anything remotely useful, but I didn't.

And why do the air traffic controllers go on strike today, just as the mid-term starts? Their childish behaviour today should be punished. Yes, I do think they're being childish when they all decide on calling in sick because they're going to get laid off - claiming they're only following protocol (a word I despise after having watched all three series of 24, by the way) - and then, the next second, stating that they probably won't help out the aviation association that's sacked them; obviously not too sick after all? Jeez... I fully understand how they can be cross with their boss because they're being laid off, but there are different ways of handling a problem. This probably wasn't the most clever solution. And I thought these people were supposed to be intelligent. Being good at maths and being intelligent obviously don't need to go hand in hand.

Current track: Nothing, as the hammering from my neighbour's flat would outdo any music I put on. Methinks she need a good spankin'. Aye!

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