
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

01 October 2004

Bits and Bobs 

Just heard that My Prerogative or whatever by Britney Spears and I thought "why do these superstars ALWAYS end up making songs about the paparazzi/fanatics surrounding them?" Why are they at all surprised? History repeats itself! It's been like this since Hollywood became a phenomenon! Tsk, tsk.

Then I'd like to point you to the direction of my game collection on Gamespot; simply because I want to share. Mind you, just about half of my games are in their database and of that I've entered about 60% of the games I've got. But it'll at least give you a picture of what kinds of games I like to play.

Finally, I've been wondering about something for quite some time now. As I may have mentioned, I'm currently studying a bit of sociolinguistics for fun. I'm very interested in dialects, always have been. Could someone please explain to me why on earth we're using English textbooks when we ideally should be using Norwegian ones? In other subjects, of more global use, like maths and European history etc., which language you're using doesn't really matter, but I find it awkward to be reading about North Norwegian dialects in English (even written in American English!)

Oh, and good luck to Jules when she's leaving the (BBC) Radio 1 lot for Manchester today!

Current track: Scent - Up & Down

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