
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

19 October 2004

Bloody Ibsen 

Quite literally; there is a bloody version of Ibsen's John Gabriel Borkman being performed at the National here in Oslo (as not to confuse you and thus sending you to London) - and I went to see it last night. We didn't actually know much about what to expect, other than that it was supposed to be a very modern play and that our national diva no. 1, Wenche Foss (aged 86) left the theatre during the intermission when she went to the première. She just didn't like it. I, on the other hand, quite liked it. I liked the fact that they mixed real-time filmed performances (usually off-stage or at the back of the stage) with the on-stage acting, and bringing both classical and modern music into the play was innovative. Parts of the second act was played outdoors; they were standing next to the tram lines, and one of them was really bloody (make-up). The passers-by looked a bit confused.

Anyway, brilliant acting; I was thinking this must be an actor's dream, it brought out so many different kinds of acting from everyone that every performance must feel a bit like being back in drama school. I know I would have loved it. I wouldn't go see it again, because the first act was rather difficult (i.e. long) to get through, but it was worth a look, that's for certain.

Current track: REM - Leaving New York is Never Easy


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