
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

13 October 2004

Goin' Seal Huntin' - Join Us, Why Don'tcha! 

Fortunately, the outrage expressed by other nations shows that opening up for seal hunting as a tourist attraction wasn't such a good idea. What the f**k is going on with these people? Personally, I have a zero tolerance stance when it comes to violent people, and this category definitely contains people who'd like to go hunting for seals. Anyone who is able to look at that beautiful creature through the scope of a rifle and pull the trigger is a sadist. Anyone who goes up to the seal and kills it with an icepick should be left behind on that iceberg, left to defend himself against any wildlife, unarmed. This goes for Norway as well as Canada.

Anyone entering the bull run of Pamplona should be run over. Anyone paying for being allowed to watch the so-called bull fights (I so wish the bulls would actually mame a couple of those bloody (but not bloody enough) toreadors every season) should be locked in for at least a fortnight in a padded room, wearing nothing but a straight-jacket.

Anyone thinking of getting a pet, any pet at all, should attend a mandatory course and pass a strict exam before being allowed to do so.

Just imagine how far the human race would have got if we didn't have intelligence. We would have been extinct at around the first generation. We have no natural armour so we make lethal weapons to eradicate everyone else; animals as well as humans, because for some reason we've decided to appoint ourselves to the position as leader of the world (and President Bush has made himself our leader, apparently, even though most of us didn't vote for him) (leader of the world would probably be something similar to "god" for those who believe in that) - and as leader of the world it's crucial that the human race expands rapidly so that those vicious animals and plants don't get the upper hand. Sigh.

Current track: Dia Psalma - Atomvinternatt

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Well said I must say.. I don't like the seal hunting myself.. We just have to do it don't we.. I'm embarrased over the norwegian touristcouncil to even think that thought!

I've watched Animal police on Animal Planet, and I'm not suprised over the things I see there.. I'm pretty sure this goes on in our country as well.. People should pass a certain test if they think about getting an pet (no matter what type of animal).. People should even be tested if they should have or not have children as well, cause there are many people who shouldn't have children... Just think about all the divorces...

Well, that is the thoughts from me.. Have a great day at work tomorrow... :) (J)
Yes, the parental rights test is a good idea. Not very politically correct, though. To begin with, I think sex and birth control education should be mandatory in schools everywhere. It is in this country, and although there are many crap parents here, at least they usually wait until they're through puberty with having children. And that whole pro-life/pro-choice debate? Shouldn't be an issue. Argh.
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