
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

01 October 2004

Honest Politicians Found! 

In my imagination!

Been listening to all sorts of analyses of last night's important debate between President Bush and Candidate Kerry. Since I didn't watch it - for two reasons: It was on during the middle of the night, and it's even more annoying to be watching a debate between two people I can't vote neither for nor against - I'll refrain from commenting (much).

However...(you knew I was going to say something; anything else would be preposterous) I bet you their two wives said "yes, better let the boys have a bit of a run around or they'll throw tantrums all weekend" at this point:

And here are the scenes the TV cameras weren't supposed to film:

A very annoyed and bored President there, as you can see. How professional and mature. Apparently Gore did the same the last time there was a presidential election and it may have cost him lots of votes; let's hope the same goes for Bush this time around. *fingers crossed*

I'm going home in order to read for a bit, play Broken Sword 3 on the PlayStation, hide from Ayman al-Zawahiri who's telling his followers to attack Norway again, and generally prepare for tonight's Beat for Beat on NRK1. Ahem.

Current track: The Streets - Blinded by the Light

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