
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

04 October 2004

Last Night of the Proms 

In case you were wondering, I may not be quite normal. Saturday night I was watching the Last Night of the Proms on a Swedish channel and I was sitting there with tears in my eyes most of the time because the songs made me feel...I don't know...proud? Patriotic? Then I thought "what??? I'm Norwegian, for God's sake, no' Bri'ish!" - and there you have it.

Have you noticed how increasingly difficult it is to whistle all the songs during that show, by the way? Not just because of the lump in my throat, but because the tempo increases. Quite a challenge, but a nice one at that. I'm a capable whistler (good thing, too, since I wouldn't know how to strike a chord on the piano or any other instrument and I couldn't sing my way out of a cardboard box if I had to) so I like that sort of a challenge. I've been watching the Last Night of the Proms most of my life but never managed to outdo the orchestra. One day I will. *grins*

Current track: The Cars - Magic

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