
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

06 October 2004

Musvik, Sound of 

If you ever wondered what happened to the von Trapp family after The Sound of Music you should learn Norwegian ASAP and get a ticket for Sound of Musvik at Centralteatret in Oslo. I am very biased when it comes to this one, but trying not to be I have to say that this show will probably be even more fun to watch in a month's time, when they've perfected the quick costume changes. Because yesterday...well, it didn't work. Too many dead spots. On the plus side: The rest. ;-) Especially when they completely lost track of everything that resembled a plot and started interacting with the audience. I want more of this!!! Fans of Norwegian popular music will love this show.

The weirdest thing happened, though. I bought my ticket last week. I then finally managed to persuade a friend of mine to join me yesterday (she decided after the first act that we need to see the show again, by the way), so she bought a last-minute ticket. I said it didn't matter because the seats were unspecified. Well, turned out they weren't. However - we'd got seats right next to each other! What are the odds? Spooky...

Well, I'd like to thank the creators/performers of Musvik for prolonging my life and giving me a very tired jaw already 15 minutes into the show from laughing so hard - AND for bringing a few elements from Mysteriet Myrna Vep into this...ahh, the memories...

I shall return at a few later dates.

Current track: Nothing.

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