
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

18 November 2004


Queer Eye for The Straight Guy returned today, after a terrible few weeks with the awful, Norwegian version of the programme. Actually, I boycotted the whole series so can't really say that it was really bad, other than bringing hearsay into it: All of my friends thought it was a dreadful copy of the original and should be avoided at all cost. Now, I love watching Wife Swap (the original, Channel 4 series), and they've made a Norwegian version of that one as well, which starts next week. I am so scared. The next thing they'll target is probably Faking it, another favourite of mine. Grr...

However, watching the Fab Five again made me forget for a little while that we have to once again remember which country we live in, as this arrived during a few hours yesterday evening:

It's not much, just four or five inches of snow, but the problem is they've got this weird way of plowing the snow which makes the pavement quite dangerous to walk on; the snow is so compact and smooth it works much the same way as ice, and I guess a lot of us know what it's like to try walking on ice. Especially when in a hurry, which I am most mornings, ahem.

Current track: Elton John - All That I'm Allowed

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