
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

04 November 2004

Four More Years of Hell 

And what's sad about it, is that what the Americans thought was the most important reason for them to vote for Bush, was morals. As we know, the Republicans are having a hard time moving into the 20th century, let alone the 21st! I think you'd love to have our Prime Minister (we certainly don't); he is an ordained priest and that makes Norway the only country beside Iran to have a member of the clergy as its supreme leader. Brilliant. The difference between him and Bush is that our guy constantly kisses someone's arse, while Bush doesn't know that there are other countries out there. Oh, except Iraq and Afghanistan, of course. But the way this is going there isn't going to be any Iraq and Afghanistan in four years' time.

I honestly thought the Americans were smarter and less bigot than this, but unfortunately this just proves every single description of the stereotypical American. Oh, and Sarah Michelle Gellar called Americans stupid on telly the other day, so then it must be true, right? *winks* Anyway, about half of the US is welcome to stay at my place, the rest of them are probably boarding up their houses now anyway, in case the Evil Foreigners (like, the French) come to rob them of their morals (not that they would want that kind of morals). If you come next year you could follow our elections, by the way. This is one of those countries that follow the "one vote actually counts as one vote" system.

What a devastating setback for the world. It just gets more dangerous now.

Current track: Nothing.


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