
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

14 December 2004

The Answer, My Friend... 

...is blowing in the wind, just like most of Norway has been doing all day. I was changing my mind about going to the store all through the day (I had the day off), and eventually went at around five. Nearly blew off the pavement, and Oslo isn't even experiencing the storm they're having on the west coast; what we're having is merely a sample.

Stayed indoors, then, and played that LotR game for hours. I think I've managed to finish 60% of the game, which is pretty good considering I'm hardly ever fascinated with a game long enough to complete it. The last one was Etherlords II and before that it was Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, both great games that just kept me wanting more every time I'd finished a battle or got new gear or gone up a level. Same thing with the one I'm playing these days; the only reason I turned it off now is that 1) I thought I should get some sleep and 2) that last battle had me knackered by the end of it so my little brain needs some rest.


Current track: Nothing.

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We don't have that problem down here in Horten.. :P But we had a windy day yesterday...

Gotta send you an email soon.. Have said that for like 4 months or so.. But haven't gotten around to do it yet.. Over new years it might be better.. :) Are you going home to your parents for christmas???
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