
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

10 December 2004

Cool and Incredible 

Saw The Incredibles yesterday, and even though I was looking forward to it I was amazed at how good it was. Really worth buying when it's released, I'm sure, and suits everyone (some of the jokes are meant for adults, some are meant for kids). It's like this year's Finding Nemo and we all know how brilliant that was.

Current track: Nothing.


I haven't seen any of the two.. But when I were in London(2 weeks ago) I saw the christmasdecorations in Regent Street, The Incredibles were all over the place, or should I say, hanging in the air... And they had a whole lot of spin-off products(? is that really an english word???) at Hamleys and Disney Shop...

How are things with you??

You should see the film. You really, really, REALLY should see the film. Well, maybe it's not THAT good. It's not like it'll be the end of the world if you don't see it before, say, Christmas.

I hope London fell to your liking this year? I adore that quaint little village. If only I owned enough money to buy myself a nice place there! Or just rent, for that matter!
We looked at a realestateplace and one apartment in Westminister area had the marking price at 3,5 million pounds.. And a flat downtown costed about 4000 NKR a week.. A bit expensive for my taste, but it would've been great to live there.. :D I just love the atmosphere there... How are you darling? - It's just nice that people you don't even know call you darling when they ask you something or just say sorry.. LOL...

I will watch The incredibles sometime(just don't know when..), maybe I even buy it on dvd sometime.. :D I did buy Black Hawk Down at Virgin, the extra dvd set.. :D So I'll watch it sometime this christmas..

London was great! We went to Camden, took a walk in the different markets there.. That was just great! When you go there, you can see London from a different view, and people are so more relaxed than when you are wandering around in Oxford Street..

How did your exams go???
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