
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

04 December 2004

I am So Proud (For No Reason?) 

I just read the nominations for the Theatregoer Awards 2005 and discovered that four of the five of my nominees entered the shortlist. Woo-hoo! However...that probably means that others nominated them as well...and that means the actors/directors/plays in question actually deserves it and got on the list because they're so good. So, no real reason for me to be proud. Now I only have to vote. Let's see, shall I vote for the ones I actually nominated or what? :-) (Suffice to say, Philip Quast was one of them - the moment I can nominate or vote for him in anything, I will.)

But first, back to my pizza and watching Dr. Doolittle. It was funnier than I remembered. The film, that is.

Current track: Nothing.

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